The shadows are in the PSD file .. but I'm not sure you can see them
in other programs. In photoshop you can add effects to layers (for
example the merged glasses have a shadow attached) (looks like this: This way you easily change these
effects later. If its not possible to see them in what you are using
I'm not sure how you could fix that (google?). I can also export as
tiff ... which might work better with other programs. (Tiff file:
I made everything in this pdf file, so there are no upright versions
left. All the text etc has not been rendered yet and can be editted in
photoshop ... not sure how that would work in other programs. The
background text are smart objects which allowed me to blur and
displace part of them but these can also be editted in photoshop.
If the GIMP ... or what you may be using doesn't have all the
functionality to work with this file it might be easiest to download a
photoshop trial ... or perhaps there is some other way to deal with it
I don't know about.
Hope it all works out ... if you need any help let me know.
Post by Christiaan HofmanPost by Kim Does Skim Icon_v5.psd
This should work.
Thanks a lot again! I can get this one. However this one does not seem
to have all the shadows, have you got a .psd version with that as well?
Also, do you have some components like the text and orange PDF badge
as upright images somewhere, or did you make that all in the same .psd
file? I'd like to adapt also the file icons.
Post by Kim DoesOn Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 00:09, Christiaan Hofman
Post by Christiaan HofmanPost by Kim DoesOk, my last version. PSD file is available if anyone wants to tweak it more.
On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 23:04, Christiaan Hofman
Post by Christiaan HofmanPost by Kim Does* The shading from the glasses are now more pronounced
I think the shadow from the glasses can be much lighter and more
blurred and more offset. The glasses are supposed to float a bit above
the sheet of paper. Compare the shadow of the pen in the TextEdit
icon. Also for some reason the shadow of the glasses outside the page
is much darker.
Offset them more and blurred them more. I think that'll benefit the
smaller icon. The shade outside the page is not darker (it is exactly
the same) ... it most likely seems that way because of the color of
your background.
Post by Christiaan HofmanPost by Kim Does* There is a small line indicating the difference between front frame and leg
I don't really notice it.
I made it a bit more visible. Don't want to make it too obvious as
logically there really shouldn't be a line there ... I think it works
well enough in distinguishing that bit.
Post by Christiaan HofmanPost by Kim Does* There is a slight gradient shadow on the paper and the post-its
I think these shadings can be a bit more pronounced.
Increased the opacity from 70 to 100. Don't think the icon will look
better with a darker gradient.
I can't download the .psd file.
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